About Us


Why to business with us

We take pride in serving you - but more importantly fulfilling your need the way you want it, because we know each of our clients is different and they have their specific needs. So we customize our product accordingly and its delivery, that compliments their requirements.
Under the hood we are the next generation company that specializes to Capture, Characterize and Index our personalized environment (such as water, air, signals) for day to day decision-making, that impacts health and life. Whether you live in residential complex or are in food or hospitality service or medium scale industry or health clinic or water treatment company or any other entities where you are in need to check your surrounding environment (water, air, signals) in real time, we're here for you.


Why people love us

Portable device

No laboratory testing or kit required, our electronic device is portable

No human interaction

It is all AI and Edge computing, So just dip to see reading on your mobile

Quick 360 detailed results

Understand different physical, chemical and biological properties

Decisive recommendation

Recommendation based on global and local health standards and personalized preferences

Mobile friendly

Mobile first approach using state-of-the-art AI, Edge computing and wireless technology

Statistical lifetime analysis

Single dashboard to understand your complete water consumption quality history


The story behind Envisensai

One of the first question that we often encounter is what is Envisensai and why we need it?
We understand that is very natural question because there is no such service around. So let's start from answering this question first. We believe the health of our surrounding environment is the key to our own health. It is because most of what we consume into our body comes from our surrounding environments - that can be water, can be air or the invisible signal that we can not directly sense. This is the single most determinant of our health. We can be in better health if and when we know what we are consuming, but when we look around we do not see any option where we can capture, characterise and index our surrounding environment along with a decisive recommendation of what to do in real-time, cost-effective and easy-to-use way. That is what Envisensai does for us.

Founding members

A mighty flame followeth a tiny spark. - Dante Alighieri
We started addressing the problem with one of most important indicators of our surrounding environment affective our health - the water. But understanding our everyday consumption of water (whether that's for drinking, washing, industry or agricultural needs) in real-time, cost-effective and easy-to-use way is almost impossible as the required laboratory testing takes days even with the best possible support system with constant need of special resources (both economic and logistical). As a team where our expertise ranges from science and technology to microelectronics and sensors to cloud computing to mobile operation, we combine them to AI methodologies and edge computing to deliver a solution that provides the real-time results and analysis with recommendation anywhere anytime without any human interaction. After our success with water we are now extending this capability to other environmental indicators.

Core Team